Awesome Lego

Lego is the best toy. If I leave Lego lying around people automatically want to play with it, take it apart and make something new. The only thing guests do with action figures on the shelf is to put them in humping positions.

I’ve been looking around the web at other people who build stuff out of Legos (I know the plural of Lego is Lego, but Legos is more fun). For those of you who’ve only been reintroduced to Lego with my last few Princess Planet strips, I’m going to post a few amazing Lego links so you can rekindle your love of the brick…

The Brother Brick is a fantastic blog that picks up on the best of the best on the net. Like this scene from Dune.


Or this tall rocky home


Or this


Rocko has a great collection of fun and inventive pieces like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


MOC is a place for people to upload their own Lego creations.

BrickQuest is a ruleset for playing a game a cross between Diablo and a board game but made out of Lego.

Happy Legoing!

4 Awesomes Comments!

  1. Chris

    I like the Lego comics!

    Also, that tall rocky home is one of my creations. I have more pictures of it here:

  2. admin

    Chris, your tower is really cool but what really blew me away was your Family Reunion piece with the contagious Jester. That was the super awesomes! It doesn’t thumbnail as well as the rock castle though so I went with that one. Exploring the Jester piece is a necessity to fully love the heck out of it.

  3. Donovan

    Your creations are great i really got blew away by that house built on the hill it was great, how did you do that, did you need help if not good for you.
    I liked it dude 🙂

  4. Castle Lego Owner

    As a UK-based LEGO Castle fan, I found your blog on google and read a few of your other LEGO posts.
    I just added you to my Google News Reader.
    Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.